Bucket Elevator

It is a system of elevation and transport of delicate treatment, specially indicated for the treatment of food products.

The elevators are equipped with a safety system to prevent any problem due to an overload or a transmission hitch. Optionally, they are manufactured totally covered or with a washing system to maintain perfect hygiene of the process.

Bins Dumper

It is designed for the discharge of product, turning the bins over 180 degrees for emptying.

Calibration Drum

They are used to eliminate impurities in the product during the shelling process or before the shelling.

Circular Sifter

The high-performance grading system separates products by size difference.
It is specially designed with the aim of optimizing the treatment of products with fat and flour.

A self-cleaning system is incorporated into the smaller sieves, in order to avoid the continuous obstruction of the mesh.

Conveyer Belt

It is a means of transportation for any type of product.

Orbital Sifter

It is a high-performance sorting system for all types of products with a capacity for production and selection by sizes adapted to the needs of each customer.

It is also equipped with as many product outlets as are required for its classification into different sizes.

Length Calibrator

It is a machine sorting by length for a certain type of product like beans and nuts.

Thickness Calibrator

The machine is designed to work with one or up to six sets of rollers, each allowing different products according to the thickness, the quantity and the type of product.


A structure designed to store material.

Vibration Channel

It is designed for the horizontal transport of delicate products by vibration.

Weighing System

A high precision system for filling boxes, sacks and bags.

It has an electronic weight control system, programmable according to the quantity of product to be weighed.